There may be abdominal pain, or bloating since the stomach isn’t emptying properly, and weight loss. Or he may suddenly feel full or lose his appetite after eating a small amount. Ongoing digestive problems may be caused by gastroparesis, a condition that interferes with the contractions that help the stomach empty its contents.Ī patient with gastroparesis may vomit undigested food hours after eating. The vagus nerve covers a lot of ground, so vagus nerve damage tends to be local, unlike a typical virus that can cause a headache with an upset stomach.

Vagus Nerve Disorders Include Gastroparesis Not gagging, though, indicates a problem. Gagging indicates major vagus nerve functions are OK. When your doctor looks inside your mouth, tells you to stick out your tongue and say “ah,” and touches something (usually a cotton swab) against the back of your throat, you gag. The gag reflex is one way doctors test the vagus nerve to make sure it’s working properly. It’s a vagabond nerve, wandering up and down the torso to gather information to use, to direct actions and reactions. “Vagus” is the Latin word for wandering, which is a good way to think about the vagus nerve. The motor functions stimulate muscles and contractions in various body parts, including the heart and digestive system.
#Throat gag reflex cranial nerve skin
The sensory functions include sensations felt on and in skin and muscle, and in the organs.The vagus nerve provides sensory and motor functions to the organs and surrounding skin, from the lower brain stem to the upper colon. The vagus nerve - also called cranial nerve X (as in Roman numeral) - is the longest nerve, and runs from the brain stem to the colon in two parallel routes. The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves in the body that link various parts to the brain.