Here’s one thing that has people worried: Tennessee’s kidnapping law is strangely lenient, so if the pair are caught and it is found that Thomas went with Cummins willingly, the kidnapping charge against him may not hold wate r. Cummins has also been added to Tennessee’s “Top 10 Most Wanted” list. A TEEN who fled her home town with her 51-year-old science teacher says she doesn’t regret her actions.

Four days after their disappearance, Cummins was charged with aggravated kidnapping, since he may be armed. Cummins was charged with sexual contact with a minor, according to the TBI. Former Tennessee high school teacher Tad Cummins pleaded guilty to kidnapping his then-15-year-old student for 38 days and sexually assaulting her while taking her across the country last year. “It was clear that he had really put a lot of notions into her head.” “ He convinced her that he had been a secret agent and … that he had all kinds of money,” Anthony Thomas told HLN. The daughter of Tad Cummins is standing by him, despite allegations that he kidnapped a 15-year-old student and spent more than a month on the run while traveling across America. Thomas’ family provided more evidence that their daughter had been groomed by her teacher. We are going to do everything we can to bring you home.” “So our message to her tonight, you are a victim. “She may very well not know that she’s a victim in all of this,” DeVine said during a news conference. Tad Cummins faces federal and state charges in alleged abduction of former student.

Even though the pair were engaged in some sort of relationship, the TBI says there’s no way Thomas is not a victim.